Stephen Remick
Stephen Remick primarily paints landscapes. After a years long series of abstract color-field paintings inspired by the edges where air and land meet, he changed course. “I’m attracted to items built or left by others that weren’t intended to be objects to contemplate. I want to be to art what Robert Frost is to poetry." This led to a series inspired by the Robert Frost poem Mending Wall where he painted old stone walls in the middle of the woods off his backyard, now not walling anything in or out. Then, branching off to abandoned cellar holes and cemeteries, woodpiles, surveyor’s ribbon, backyard projects, and so on. In searching for subjects, he found that snow-cover unified and distilled them. This led to painting the abstract beauty of sunlight and shadow on snow, yet rendering it in a representational image. As a result, new paths opened up, including painting paths with the metaphors they evoke.
Saying he would never have thought they'd enter his studio, world events and politics make their way into his subject matter once in a while, like his 2020 COVID-19 healthcare worker portrait series, painting portraits of healthcare workers at their most vulnerable, gleaned from their heart-wrenching selfies on social media.
Landscapes have worked their way back, both plein-air and in studio. Tangents pop up once in a while when they’ve stayed in his mind too long needing to be realized, like a political painting, or a self portrait.
Stephen strives to impart empathy and understanding to whatever subject is on his easel.