Libby Manchester Gilpatric
acrylic, oil, watercolor
Libby Manchester Gilpatric
Gilpatric Contemporary Paintings
For 26 years living in Rhode Island, Libby's art has evolved through stages from very early artistic endeavors influenced by her surroundings — from growing up in a steel manufacturing region where the night sky she remembers as deep red-orange with the sun setting on soot-laden clouds of smog. Throughout her art life those memories creep into her work. She painted her self portrait at age five. Encouraged to become a Master of Teaching, taught private-school girls reading, writing, arithmetic and science, drawing along with them the plants and animals. Her art life was enriched living in New York City where the museums presented inspiration and vivid art history lessons. She attended classes at The Art Students League and learned calligraphy leading to a thriving professional practice. Her art went through quiet but steady growth while otherwise employed, vacation painting, always there until her eventual entrance to The Lyme Academy of Fine Art, following classes at the Newport Art Museum. Libby was active with the Portsmouth Arts Guild, on their Board of Directors, and is now honored as a Life Member. She's been a juried member of The Art League of Rhode Island. She enjoyed painting plein-air the coastal and rural views of Newport County, has been awarded for numerous works showing around Newport and some on Cape Cod, at the Mystic Museum, some "Bests" at Wickford Art and had 7 paintings exhibited 4 months at the T.F. Green Airport. Covid interrupted her painting practice at a studio in Tiverton — where she participated successfully in 4 or 5 SCA tours over the years. Since the pandemic interrupted life, jazz has calmed, inspired and excited Libby to explore abstract painting with rhythmic mark-making and rich color harmonies of depth and style, using acrylic and, recently, luscious watercolor compositions of abstracted landscapes.
56 Sunrise Drive
Portsmouth, RI 02871