Jade Donaldson
oil, acrylic, gouache, collage, photography, bookmaking, cyanotype
Jade Donaldson
Jade Donaldson is an interdisciplinary artist based in Little Compton. An alumna of the Brown-RISD Dual Degree program, she arrived in Little Compton in 2015 to work with Electric Moon Peony Farm, putting hands to work in cultivation of peonies and design. The colors, textures and forms she encounters in daily work as a have significant presence in her work, and botanical subjects appear with frequency.
60 Snell Road
Little Compton, RI 02837

2018 Electric Moon Peony Farm Poster 14" x 20.5" gouache and watercolor

Marigolds 7"x10" watercolor

Clematis 'Rooguchi' 7"x10" watercolo

2019 Electric Moon Peony Farm Poster 14" x 20.5" gouache and watercolor

Grays Outbuilding 4"x6" oil on canvas