Eric C Lintala
bronze, steel, stone, photography
Eric C Lintala
Mr. Lintala has traveled extensively throughout the United States recording and researching prehistoric rock art, petroglyphs and pictographs, which has had a profound influence on his work. "Long before people developed a written language, they learned how to communicate or record through pictures. Sheltered in caves or under vast cliffs, these images of human kind, animals, and nature were inscribed, pecked and painted onto stone. The full meaning of these symbols left on stone will likely elude us forever. The early inhabitants who made them, their knowledge, lost to the ages. The challenge before me is to carry on, to re-investigate, to renew this tradition of communication and through my visual interpretations i hope their spirits can live on. The sculptures I create have become a narrative involving the interaction of human, cultural and natural events from the past and present. The shapes and marks that I make, the symbols created are echoes from the prehistoric past, they tell of my observations, experiences and events that have affected me."
15 Squirrel Island Road
West Wareham, MA 02576

Yucca Man, 24" x 10" x 5", cast bronze

I Am the Bear's Ears, 20" x 8" x 8", cast bronze & steel

Question of Balance, 30" x 14" x 8", steel

Creating Light, 42" x 24" x 12", steel

Erin's Dream Pool, 14" x 5" x 10", cast bronze & stone