Douglas Balder
Douglas Balder is an architect with degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He spent his professional career planning and designing museums and permanent interpretive museum exhibitions. At the same time, he was a community organizer and collaborated with others building independent cultural, educational, and political organizations.
Recently, Balder has begun to study classical oil painting and paints in a studio at Kilburn Mill in New Bedford. His subject matter is inspired by ordinary, often overlooked yet prevalent urban and event subject matter. “I see beauty in the everyday stuff of our world and want to explore what I see. Whether public housing or night time scenes at windows, they are common and mysterious to me.” As a new painter, Balder is excited to be exploring approaches to painting that are drawn from the tradition of classical oil painting. “I love learning the craft of oil painting and putting it into the service of capturing contemporary images that intrigue me.”
889 Rock O’Dundee Road
Dartmouth, MA 02748

New York City Public Housing 1, 48" x 36", oil painting