Donna St Amant
Donna St Amant Studio
Now in retirement, she’s rekindled her love of photography. She capture the close up detail and beauty of flowers, worn beached objects, and elements of nature that cross her path on a large flat bed scanner in a process often called “Scanography”. Once used to digitize her photographic negatives, the high-resolution scanner is now her ‘studio camera’ and the fine detail it captures never ceases to amaze her. Whether a single bloom or a ‘medley’ of treasures, the objects are placed directly on the scanner glass with the cover left open. She builds depth and layers from foreground to background on the glass surface. Using a preview feature, she can see the image as it will be recorded and can rearrange elements until it’s just what she had imagined.
To Donna, this process feels somewhat like organizing a group portrait. She place the individuals near one another in a pleasing and cohesive composition, intertwines outreaching elements to project a feeling of connection, and then captures the moment.
Overall, she says “It’s all about passion, the joy of creating … and the continuous quest to learn and grow.”