David Poyant
David Poyant Embroidery
My name is David Poyant. I didn’t follow the traditional path to becoming an artist. I’m a cobbler by trade, with a background in shoe repair and handcrafted orthotics. I worked in the trade for 25 years and then completed my professional career in retail.
I have neither a college degree nor any background in advanced art or stitching classes. However, I have always had an eye for design and many experiences in my 69 years of life that inspired me to develop my artwork. I was not shy about showing my thread-paint embroidery pieces to anyone interested while I worked in retail. Therefore, with no formal training, I picked up needles, embroidery threads, and a stretcher at a hobby shop and started sewing. Each thread-paint embroidery is hand stitched on artist canvas using both 1 and 2 strands of embroidery thread. It can take up to 60 hours to complete.
Most of my thread painting pieces were landscapes, trees, and coastal scenes in the beginning. While working, I met the director of the board at the Buttonwood Park Zoo in New Bedford, Massachusetts. She asked if I would be willing to do a thread painting of an animal for the fundraiser at the zoo. The Red Panda was the first of what was to become a series of animals adorning the walls of the zoo. I also created other pieces used to support their fundraising efforts. This opened other forums to display my pieces, such as fishing boats for the Fisherman’s Heritage Museum in New Bedford and donations for fundraisers in support of the American Cancer Society.
72 Park Drive
Acushnet, MA 02743